This exciting adventure story for children will have all lovers of traditional fantasy 'boy hero' tales on the edge of their seats until the final word.
The story has two young teenage heroes, Tommy and Smithy. But this is a children's fantasy adventure story with a difference because one of the heroes, Tommy, is confined to a wheelchair following a terrible accident.
The story begins when Tommy is sent a magical stone from his Uncle Bill who is on an expedition in the Brazilian Rain Forest. Bill was given the stone by a village chieftain after he saved his son's life. He was told that the stone had magical powers so he sent it to Tommy for his stone collection.
But it turned out to be much more 'valuable' than for inclusion in the stone collection for, a couple of days later, Tommy's father, who is the manager of the local bank, is kidnapped by robbers when they realise that the alarm system has been set and they have to wait until Monday when it would allow the vault to be opened.
When Tommy and Smithy decide to try to track the robbers down the real power of the magic stone is revealed. This power is that when Tommy thinks of something the stone makes it happen so the robbers are in for some real surprises as Tommy's wheelchair develops some very unusual and effective weapons and powers. So, with the help of Smithy's cat, Tiger, who more than lives up to his name, the robbers are taught a lesson they certainly don't expect.
This is an exuberant and exciting children's adventure that will appeal to young and old alike.